Why We Give

Giving is a form of worship - it allows us to demonstrate that God is more important to us than material things (Matthew 6:24). The strength of our church is found in the commitment of its people to further the Kingdom of God (Ephesians 3:10). We do this through serving in the church and in our city, but also through our financial giving. Your tithes and offerings facilitate real life change. "Tithemeans giving a tenth or 10% of your income to God. Tithing is how we trust and honor God through our finances. When we bring our first and best back to God, He promises to bless the rest! 


Online giving is simple and secure. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card. 

  1. Click on the "Make a Donation" button below and select from two options under "Choose a Fund:" General Fund or Deacon Fund (read more about the Deacon Fund below.) 
  2. Enter amount you would like to give and follow prompts to enter your account info.

Join Us in Putting Books into the Hands of Kids in Need

Summer is a time for adventure, imagination, and fun—and what better way to inspire young minds than with the power of books? Our Faith Church Summer Book Donation Drive aims to provide children in need with books to take home, ensuring they have access to reading opportunities all summer long.

How You Can Help to Give the Gift of Reading        

  • Donate New or Gently Used Books: We are accepting books for children 4K through 5th grade. Place on the bookshelf in the lobby area at Faith Church.

  • Shop on your own or use this Amazon Wish List Link to select books and they will be delivered directly to Faith Church. 

  • Make a Monetary Contribution: Your donations help us purchase new books and distribute them to kids in need.

  • Spread the Word: Share our campaign on social media and encourage your friends and family to get involved.   

Amazon Wishlist

Monetary Donation

Deacon Fund

What is the Deacon Fund? The deacons of Faith Church have the responsibility of meeting the Biblical qualifications as set forth in 1 Timothy 3:8-10; 12-13 and Acts 6:1-6. Jesus came to serve and set an example for us; therefore, our main purpose is to serve others within the Faith Church body. Members of this ministry have a love and a passion to help others which is accomplished through acts of

service, providing financial assistance, and personal home visits. Most of the ministry duties are performed behind the scenes because of the confidential nature of the requests.